Tonkinese Breed Club
Show 2024
It is with regret that we have had to cancel our Club show for 2024.
Show 2024
It is with regret that we have had to cancel our Club show for 2024.
OLYMPIAN CLASS: Open to all Imperial titled Cats
IMPERIAL CLASS: Open to all of the specified breed that have earned the title Grand Champion or Grand Premier by winning 3 GCC’s or 3GPC’S, under 3 different Judges. GRAND CLASS: Open to all of the specified breed that have earned the title Champion or Premier by winning 3 CC’s or 3 PC’s under 3 different Judges. BREED CLASS: Open to all of the specified breeds. (Must be G.C.C.F. Registered). CATS: Not less than 9 calendar months on the day of the show. ADULTS: Un-neutered Cats KITTENS: Not less than 14 weeks and under 9 calendar months on the day of the show. Neutered kittens will be entered in Kitten Open and Miscellaneous Classes and will compete for Best in Show Kitten. NEUTERS: Neuter adults may only enter Neuter classes and may not compete with entire cats or kittens, except in Club Classes which are scheduled to include Neuters. Where Best in Show is held, the best Neuter shall be considered against the best Entire Adult and Kitten for Best Exhibit in Show. BREEDERS: Exhibits bred by the exhibitor/s. Cats originally registered in the breeders' joint ownership but changed to single ownership of one of the Breeders can still be entered in this class. Cats originally registered in Breeder's single ownership and changed to joint ownership with the breeder should be entered in the Non-Breeders Class. NON-BREEDERS: Exhibits not bred by the exhibitor. DEBUTANTE: Exhibits that have never been shown at a show held under GCCF Rules. (Debutante entry as a Kitten does not count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter and Debutante entry as an Adult does not count when the exhibit is Neutered and shown). MAIDEN: Exhibits that have not won a First, Second or Third prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules. NOVICE: Exhibits that have not won a First Prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules. LIMIT: Exhibits that have not won more than four First Prizes in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules. SPECIAL LIMIT: Exhibits that have won more than four First Prizes in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules. ARISTOCRAT: Exhibits that have won one or more Challenge/Premier Certificates but have not yet achieved Champion/Premier status. ADOLESCENT: Cats 9 - 15 months old on the day of the show. JUNIOR: Cats over 9 calendar months of age and under 2 years on the day of the show. SENIOR: Exhibits between 2 years and 7 years on Show day.. VETERAN: Exhibits over 7 years on Show day. RADIUS: Exhibits living within 50 miles of the Show hall. VISITORS: Exhibits living over 50 miles from the Show hall. . The status of the exhibit for entering restricted classes (i.e. Maiden, Limit etc.) shall be the cats' Status on the date of entry, except where Section 2, Rule 15e regarding entry into Grand Classes applies. The wins as a Kitten do not count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter; the wins as an Adult do not count when the exhibit is neutered and shown. Merit Awards do not count as 'wins' for entering restricted classes. Titles Please see the GCCF Rules, Section 4, Rule 4i & 4j : a) The title must have been claimed before the higher class is entered. b) Overseas titles do not qualify cats for higher classes and may not be used in front of the cat’s name But may be placed in brackets after the name in the catalogue. c) Cats registered with both the GCCF and GCCF of Ireland and gain the same title at shows organised by both organisations may use the title ‘International’ once it has been verified by both parties. |